Vendor Command

Find a Vendor and the items they sell.

This command will return a list of matching vendors if more than 3 vendors match your search. If 3 or less vendors match your search, you will get the vendors, as well as a list of the items they sell.

Use !Vendor [Zone Name] to bring up Vendors for a given zone.

Use !Vendor [Item Name] to bring up a list of Vendors that sell the item and their location.

Use !Vendor [Item Name], [Alliance Name] to bring up a list of Vendors by Alliance that sell the item.

Use !Vendor [Item Name], [Zone Name] to bring up a Vendor and their wares in a selected zone that has a matching item to sell.
(Use this to get a list of wares for a vendor)

Note: This command can send long embeds because of the number of matching Vendors, so this command may be best used in a DM.

Use in conjunction with the Furnishing Command to see images of the items!

  • !Vendors Deshaan
  • !Vendor Primal Altar to Hircine
  • !Vendor Tree
  • !Vendor Tree, Ebonheart
  • !Vendor Tree, Deshaan